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Lecturer and Coach Žaneta Aleksejeva

Žaneta Aleksejeva

Mano darbas - koučingo technikų ir atidos praktikų pagalba padėti asmenims ugdyti mąstymą ir gilesnį savęs suvokimą, įgauti aiškumo. Aiškumas suteikia energijos. Energija skatina veikti siekti savo tikslų.

My Story

With over 13 years of experience as a lecturer, and over 12,500 hours of studying and I bring knowledge from a variety of fields into workshops, business development and individual sessions. I help create a supportive environment for the development and effectiveness of organizations and individuals through training, seminars and workshops. After consultations with business owners, more and more clients started asking if I could conduct coaching sessions for them. I attended the International Global Coaching University and now my activities have been supplemented by coaching.  Education: 2021-2022 Certified ICF Coach ACSTH International University Global Coaching 2019-2021 Master of Business Management The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Vilnius University, Business Development program (cum laude diploma) 2011-2016 Master of Laws The Faculty of Law at Vilnius University Additional skills and experience set: • Website design, graphic design, programming • Photography, video editing • Content Writing, argumentation • Social Media Management • Public speaking, presentations creation • Psychology, pedagogy, non-verbal communication, group dynamics, team efficiency • Digital Marketing • Brand development With these skills and experience my sessions, workshops and trainings embrace a multidimensional approach, ensuring comprehensive solutions. In business development topics I am focusing on: • business models • customer touchpoints improvement • business process & project management • leadership psychology & entrepreneurship • strategic management.

Master of Business Management

Business Development program (cum laude diploma)
The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration at Vilnius University

Ką galite čia rasti?

What is Touchpoint?

A customer journey touchpoint is a crucial moment or interaction in a customer's experience with a business.

These touchpoints can occur at various stages, from initial awareness to post-purchase support, and play a vital role in shaping the overall customer satisfaction and perception of a brand.

Why it is Important?

They encompass all channels and interactions, both online and offline, that customers engage with while navigating their journey with a company, influencing their decisions and loyalty.

  1. Website

  2. Social Media

  3. Customer Service

  4. Physical Store

  5. Email Marketing

  6. Product Packaging

  7. In-Person Events

and many many other points.

Ką galite čia rasti?

Define Your Business Identity and Message

In this first crucial step, we'll sit down together to shape the way your business appears to the world. We'll figure out what impression you want to leave on your customers, what kind of message you want to send through every interaction, and how you want to come across in every touchpoint. It's like giving your business its own special personality!

Mapping Customer Journey Touchpoints
First, let's take a close look at how your customers interact with your business right now. We'll figure out what they like and don't like. Then, we'll focus on the most important parts where these interactions happen and make them better. Our goal is to make your customers really happy.
Improving Your Business  Touchpoints

​​Make sure that every way your customers connect with your business suits what they like and expect. We'll make changes to how you interact with different groups of customers to make them happy. We'll also make everything look and feel the same so customers know it's your business wherever they find you.

Ką galite čia rasti?

Single Touchpoint Improvement
In this single-session option, we'll focus on improving one key customer touchpoint that matters most to you. We'll work together to refine and optimize this touchpoint, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your business goals and leaves a lasting positive impression on your customers.

Online Session Duration: 60-90 min.
Comprehensive Touchpoint Improvement Package
Ready to take a deeper dive into transforming your customer experience? With this package, we'll embark on a comprehensive journey to revamp your customer touchpoints.
  1. We'll start with a strategy session to outline your goals and vision.
  2. Then, we'll work together over a series of sessions to redesign, optimize, and refine multiple touchpoints across your business.
  3. Finally, we'll wrap up with a results session to celebrate your improved customer interactions and set the stage for ongoing success.
Choose the number of sessions that suits your needs, and let's make your business shine in the eyes of your customers.
Online Session Duration: 60-120 min.

Tatyana M Peti


1 metus kovojau su šiuo darbu. Padariau 80%, bet jie nedavė norimo rezultato, pritraukdami klientus. Projektas daugiausia liko popieriuje. Jo įgyvendinimas buvo 20 proc. Su Žaneta iki šiol kartu dirbome 8 valandas ir aš jau galiu veikti. Aš jau įgyvendinu savo projektą.

Gintas Ramanauskas
Vertybėmis grįstos psichologijos asociacija Lietuvoje

Dėkoju Žaneta už profesionalumą, kuriant asociacijos realizacijos strategiją ir planą. Tavo aiškus protas, matymas, sugebėjimas visą informaciją struktūrizuoti į lentelę, padėjo ir man geriau pamatyti ir suprasti ką norime transliuoti. Tavo sugebėjimas pajausti mano užklausą, ir sugebėjimas duoti atbulinį ryšį buvo labai produktyvus. Visiems rekomenduoju tave kaip subtilę verslo Koučingo meistrę.

Liudmila Skobeleva

Labas, Žaneta. Esu labai dėkinga už pagalbą ir žinias. Tu atėjai kaip tik tada, kai man to labai reikėjo. Tu ir aš padarėme puikų darbą – sudėliojome verslą į lentynas ir susisteminome. Be tavęs nebūčiau to padariusi. Tu vedei mane už rankos, palaikydama ir įkvėpdama. Tavo įrankiai yra veiksmingi ir patogūs. Atsakydama į klausimus dar labiau pajutau savo veiklos prasmę. Supratimas suteikia energijos ir noro veikti. Matyti savo verslą iš skirtingų kampų, įvertinti jo puses ir ribas reiškia pamatyti naujas galimybes, įnešti naudingų naujovių. Kas ir nutiko. Kiek daug gerų minčių kilo mūsų darbo eigoje. Atėjo tinkami žmonės ir darbas pradėjo virti. Ačiū už nuoširdų norą duoti daugiau nei buvo sutarta.

Image by Van Tay Media

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Tikslas: įgyti įžvalgų ir paaiškinti koučingo programos procesą.

Susitikimo darbotvarkė: Susipažinimas Jūsų poreikių, užklausos, koučingo proceso, sesijos temų, koučingo rezultatų aptarimas. Klausimai ir atsakymai: galimybė užduoti visus dominančius ir patikslinančius klausimus dėl koučingo ar programos turinio. Trukmė: apie 20–30 minučių prisijungus (per Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, WhatsApp, Messenger, Telegram)​.

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