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Dovana Sau:

Mano laimingas autoportretas 2024 metais

3 val. uždara koučingo praktika grupei iki 3 dalyvių

  • Sukursite laimingos savęs viziją 2024 metams

  • Gausite įdomių įžvalgų ir minčių apie save

  • Kūrybiškai praleisite laiką draugiškoje moterų aplinkoje


Baigiasi 2023 metai. Visko buvo, juoko, ašarų, laimėjimų, jaudulio. Atėjo laikas, kai norisi apžvelgti, kokios patirtys ir savybės įgytos aš kaip asmenybė įgijau ir kaip noriu jaustis artėjančiais metais. Šis susitikimas skirtas nusiteikti Naujam 2024 metų Gyvenimo knygos skyriui, pajusti įkvėpimą ir resursą kurti laimės būseną naujame gyvenimo etape.

Nemoku piešti?

Šis susitikimas ne apie dailę. Tai koučingo sesija grupei, kurios metu geriau pažįstate save, užsiimate saviugda, lavinate savo emocinį intelektą, atidą ir atveriate naujas įžvalgas apie laimingos savęs viziją. Taigi, nesijaudinkite dėl piešimo gebėjimų, kokie jie bebūtų, čia - ne apie piešimą, čia - apie Jus.

Kaip pasiruošti?

  1. Aplinka: sukurkite ramią aplinką. Organizuokite savo erdvę taip, kad Jūsų niekas tuo metu netrukdytų.

  2. Priemonės: A3 lapas ir piešimo priemonės (spalvoti pieštukai, rašikliai ar kt.)

  3. Laikas: pasiruoškite 3 - 3:30 val. skirti sau.

Integrated Approach

It is a integrated approach, addressing both your inner depth and the practical steps needed on your transformative journey towards dream goals.


Gaining clarity, understanding yourself, values, beliefs and goals.

Expanding thinking, horizons, structure your thoughts, and generating fresh ideas.

Igniting Motivation and developing creativeness.


Growing Self-Awareness, improving the ability to be consciously and fully present in the present moment, regardless of distractions.

Metaphorical Cards

Unleashing Creative Insight, fostering the capacity to delve into imaginative realms and extract profound insights through symbolic representations.


Developing EQ, elevating your awareness and control over your behavior, emotions, and reactions.

3 val. uždara koučingo praktika grupei iki 3 dalyvių

Mano laimingas autoportretas 2024 metais



Duration of the meeting: 3 - 3:30 hours.

Date: Saturday, December 2

Start: 12:00 p.m. Lithuanian time

End: ~ 15:00 - 15:30

Language: Lithuanian (if the group wishes, it can be conducted in Russian or English).

Platform: Online Zoom

Price: 98 EUR/participant

The number of participants is limited: up to 3

Leave a request to register. You will be sent a link to pay for your reservation. After payment, you will receive a link to join the Zoom virtual room where the group meeting will take place.

Lecturer and Coach Žaneta Aleksejeva

Žaneta Aleksejeva

​Certified ICF Coach, New Mentality Coaching, Lecturer

My job is to work with the mindset in coaching sessions, to promote deeper self-awareness, project development and personal grow. I am not here to tell you or your team what to do. With my knowledge, skills, and coaching methods, I am here to help you clarify what you are doing, what you are doing it for, and how you can do it better.

Area of Expertise:

Roles & Subpersonalities

Soft Skills

Changing Behavioral Triggers

Project Development

Constructive Feedback

Preparation for Effective Presentation

Education in coaching:

  • New Mentality Coaching (International University Global Coaching)

  • Executive Coaching (International University Global Coaching)

  • Business Coaching Instruments

  • Emotional Intelligence Coaching

  • Team & Group Coaching (CCE, ICF Continuing Coach Education)

  • Professional Expert on Personnel Assessment BASE PRO

  • System of Resourceful States

Introduction Meeting

I am inviting you to get to know each other, overview of the coaching process, discuss your goals aspirations, hurdles, expectations, and potential coaching outcomes. Q&A Opportunity. Duration: Approximately 20-30 minutes online.

Tatjana Demjanova
Enterpreneur, financial consultant
Zaneta, thank you very much for yesterday's session. I resolved my doubts about the movement by continuing to build the team. 2 hours flew by unnoticed. Everything fell into place. Simple, clear, professional. Now I don't "confuse" self-employment, community work and personal goals.
Alyona Bocharova
Creative industries and social entrepreneurship mentor and trainer
Zaneta is a unique coach who combines coaching tools with mindfulness techniques, and this combination provides very deep progress in personal work. An attentive listener always creates a space of trust and subtly notices points of doubt and fear, which become the key to quick insights. I greatly appreciate the kindness, special the ability to help you see your value and progress even in the smallest of steps.
Galina Mohova
Methor, enterpreneur
Zhaneta, I am very pleased with the results of the coaching. I'm glad I turned to you. Your questions helped me come to an understanding of my own situation. There were amazing discoveries about myself. Thanks to you, I structured my plans for the next six months. I understood why I needed all this and where I wanted to go. It was valuable for me to go into depth and understand how I see myself at point B. And also to realize what I need to work with to get to this point. Thank you for your support and feeling of fullness after the sessions

Blog for Sharing & Inspiring

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Once posts are published, you’ll see them here.

About Coaching

What is Coaching?

Coaching session a confidential and supportive environment where individuals, including managers, can freely explore their thoughts and goals. It helps enhance clarity, inner balance, improve business results and personal efficiency within the dynamic business world.

How It Works?

With the help of questions, instruments and techniques, a coaching specialist helps to prepare for changes, to think more clearly, "unload" and systematize thoughts, ideas, tasks, create a strategy and a specific action plan, refine strengths and opportunities to apply them in a new status, to see and understand oneself and others and communicate more consciously.

Evidence-based Research on the Effectiveness of Coaching

  • Measuring Change: Evaluating Health and Wellness Coaching Performance, Outcomes and ROI

  • 2014 Poster Award: The Coaching Ripple Effect: The Individual and Systemic Level Influence of Leadership Development

  • 2013 Poster Award: The Impact of Emotional Intelligence and Executive Coaching on Leadership Effectivenes

  • Webinar: Vision based Coaching Optimizing Mind and Body for Leader Development

  • Applied Positive Psychology in Organizations

  • Coaching effectiveness survey instruments: taking stock of measuring the immeasurable

  • Does coaching work? A meta-analysis on the effects of coaching on individual level outcomes in an organizational context


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Visi tekstai ir mokymų programos yra autorinės, saugomos Lietuvos Respublikos autorių teisių ir gretutinių teisių įstatymo ir kitų autorių teisės apsaugos aktų. svetainėje pateiktą informaciją kopijuoti ir naudoti  kaip savo yra draudžiama. 

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